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Monday, August 27, 2007

Take my Life, A video of Thanks

Blogspot has just introduced a way to put movies on the blog so I have decided to give it a try and add a movie I made over the past year. It started as a project I would work on when I could not sleep and it just grew into the movie you will see. It is not a memorial to Andrea but an account of our life and how all of you have played such an important role in our ability to fight. I'm definitely not a professional movie maker as you will see, in fact this was first made as a PowerPoint presentation and I just converted it into a movie to add to my blog.

After showing this to a few family members I decided to show this to some close friends in North Carolina when we were about to move. It was a way to say thanks for everything that was done for us. I felt that people may not realize how much it means to us when you share with us in this trial. It would be easier to run from someone in trouble. Each of us has our own trials not to mention the business of daily life, but all of you in some way have decided to stand with us and in doing so you took a portion of the load we bore and made life possible for Andrea and I . And so you encourage us to fight on. You become the answer to our prayers to our pleading to God for help. I was never sure what I was going to do with this video as I made it and now I want to share it with everyone because I felt this was a nice way to say thanks to you all. I hope you enjoy the video and better understand how much you mean to us.

Every picture in this video except three were taken since this trial started in August 2003. There are also scriptures which I copied from Andrea's 3X5 note cards of her favorite scriptures. Ones we have read when times were hard to remind us of the God we serve.
There are three songs in the show each with a special meaning to me.

1. A living Prayer A song of outward expression of faith.
This was a song given to us by Lisa Rowell. I choose the song because it speaks of offering our lives as a living prayer. I liked it because it reminded me that daily our life needs to be an offering to God. This is probably the one common idea Andrea and I both felt like the Lord was asking of us in this trial. Lay down our lives, abandon ourselves and trust Him, to have faith in our God and be willing to be used by Him. To let go of our desires and serve Him no matter what. It is easy to write or say but can be very difficult to do when times are hard. But this is what we feel He has asked of us and we are learning every day to abandon more and more.

It is our words to you.

2. Go Where you Go A song of our commitment to each other.
This is an old Michael English song and it speaks about the marriage vow to love each other in sickness and in health rich or poor, regardless of life circumstances.

It is my words to Andrea.

3. Where you are A song of all of ours commitment to stand by Andrea.
I first heard this song driving back from the ICU the very first night. It was so emotional for me as the words expressed what I was feeling. That I was right by Andrea's side just as all of you have been. This song has no scriptures along with it, only pictures of people by Andrea's side.

It is our words to Andrea.

Please send me a comment if the video does not work and I will see what I can do...although my computer skills are limited.


1 Corinthians 12:12-13

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized be one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ginger,
    Not sure if you remember me or not...Kellie,Russ and Kayla Donaldson, we rented your house in Wichita Falls, Texas. My husand Russ was going through pilot training. I have been thinking about you ever since reading the article in the Air Force times about Troy, I am so sorry. Russ is in Iraq now for 6 mnths. I just got off the phone with one of my best friends DeDe from Goldsboro, NC and we were just finishing up our 1hr conversation when she asked me if I remembered her friend that died and she started to tell me about Jim getting married to a girl named Ginger with 5 kids. I knew immediately it was you!!
    I hope you get this e-mail and we can catch up!!
